Curriculum Vitae:

You can download the latest version of my CV here. I last updated it in July 2024.



Leveraging Latency: How the Weak Compel the Strong with Nuclear Technology (Oxford University Press, 2023). [Link].

Articles: Peer Reviewed Journals

“Dual Use Deception: How Technology Shapes Cooperation in International Relations,” International Organization, Vol. 77, No. 3 (Summer 2023): 599–632. With Jane Vaynman. [Link].

  • Winner of IO’s 2023 Robert O. Keohane Award for best research article published by an untenured scholar.

“The Rise of the Autocratic Nuclear Marketplace,” Journal of Strategic Studies (2022): 1–39. With Nicholas L. Miller. [Link].

  • Featured in The Economist, January 30, 2021. [Link].

“Dual-Use Distinguishability: How 3D-Printing Shapes the Security Dilemma for Nuclear Programs,” Journal of Strategic Studies Vol. 42, No. 6 (2019): 814–40. [Link].

  • Reprinted in Caitlin Talmadge, Todd S. Sechser, and Neil Narang, eds. Emerging Technologies and International Stability (Routledge, 2021). [Link].

  • Featured in The Economist, January 30, 2021. [Link].

  • Reviewed in H-Diplo. [Link].

“Atomic Leverage: Compellence with Nuclear Latency,” Security Studies, Vol. 26, No. 3 (Summer 2017): 517–44. [Link].

  • Reprinted in Joseph F. Pilat, ed. Nuclear Latency and Hedging: Concepts, History, and Issues (Woodrow Wilson Center Press, 2019). [Link].

“Atomic Inducements: The Case for ‘Buying out’ Nuclear Latency,” The Nonproliferation Review, Vol. 23, No. 3–4 (Summer 2016): 481–93. [Link].

Articles: Policy Outlets

“Limited Leverage: Nuclear Latency in South Korea’s Alliance Bargaining.” The Washington Quarterly 47, no. 1 (Spring 2024): 147–66. With Ankit Panda. [Link].

 “Playing With Proliferation: How South Korea and Saudi Arabia Leverage the Prospect of Going Nuclear,” Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, March 19, 2024. [Link].

“Ukraine Won’t Ignite a Nuclear Scramble: Why Russia’s War Might Boost Nonproliferation,” Foreign Affairs, November 17, 2022. With Eric Brewer and Nicholas L. Miller. [Link].

“Making Coercion Work Against Russia,” War on the Rocks, March 11, 2022. With Jane Vaynman. [Link].

“Abstinence or Tolerance: Managing Nuclear Ambitions in Saudi Arabia,” The Washington Quarterly Vol. 41, No. 2 (Summer 2018): 27–46. With Nicholas L. Miller. [Link].

“Geostrategic Nuclear Exports: The Competition for Influence in Saudi Arabia,” War on the Rocks, February 7, 2018. With Nicholas L. Miller. [Link].

“Internet of Nuclear Things: Managing the Proliferation Risks of 3-D Printing Technology,” Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists, Vol. 74, No. 2 (March/April 2018): 1-12. With Wyatt Hoffman. [Link].

“Germany’s Nuclear Education: Why a Few Elites Are Testing a Taboo,” The Washington Quarterly Vol. 40, No. 3 (Summer 2017): 7–27. With Ulrich Kühn. [Link].

“Keine Atombombe, Bitte: Why Germany Should Not Go Nuclear,” Foreign Affairs, Vol. 96, No. 4 (July/August 2017): 103-112. With Ulrich Kühn. [Link].

  • Reprinted in German and Russian: “Keine Atombombe, Bitte: Warum Deutschland nicht zur Nuklearmacht werden sollte,” Internationale Politik, Vol. 72, No. 4 (July/August 2017): 90-97.

 “3-D Printing the Bomb? The Nuclear Nonproliferation Challenge,” The Washington Quarterly Vol. 38, No. 3 (Summer 2015): 7–19. With Matthew Kroenig. [Link].

Other Publications

“Transforming Nuclear Safeguards Culture: The IAEA, Iraq, and the Future of Non-Proliferation by Trevor Findlay,” Political Science Quarterly 139, no. 2 (May 28, 2024): 301–2. [Link].

“My North Korea Prediction for 2019,” The National Interest, December 23, 2018. [Link].

“An Internet of Nuclear Things: Emerging Technology and the Future of Supply Chain Security,” Policy Analysis Brief, The Stanley Foundation, June 2018. With Wyatt Hoffman. [Link].

H-Diplo/ISSF Review 91 on “Nuclear Beliefs: A Leader-Focused Theory of Counter-Proliferation.” 18 January 2018. [Link].

“Calling Out the Saudi Nuclear Bluff,” The Hill, August 25, 2015. [Link].

Edited Volumes

“Threatening Proliferation: The Goldilocks Principle of Bargaining with Nuclear Latency,” in Coercion: The Power to Hurt in International Politics, ed. Kelly M. Greenhill and Peter Krause (Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 2018). [Link].

“The Unravelling of North Korea’s Proliferation Blackmail Strategy,” in Nuclear North Korea, eds. Sung Chull Kim and Michael Cohen (Washington, DC: Georgetown University Press, 2017). [Link].